June 2021 Market Update

June 2021 Market Update

June 2021 Market Update Keith Jones, CEO Alteris Financial Group, shares insights into US and Australian markets, gives an economic update, and thoughts on the property market. Video Transcript: Welcome to the June market update. Global share markets continue to move...
Time to review your income protection cover

Time to review your income protection cover

Time to review your income protection cover If you’ve owned an individual income protection or salary continuance policy in recent years, you may have seen your premiums increase as insurers struggled to cover their large losses on these products.i Given the ongoing...
Tax Alert June 2021

Tax Alert June 2021

Tax Alert June 2021 The Government is continuing to support COVID-affected businesses by extending most of its pandemic inspired tax offsets and benefits. But at the same time the ATO has micro businesses like contractors who fail to declare all their income in its...
The financial rewards of optimism

The financial rewards of optimism

The financial rewards of optimism If it wasn’t already clear, the past 12 months certainly cemented the fact that life has a habit of throwing us the occasional curveball. The reality is we all face challenges, however approaching life with a positive mindset can help...