Adjustments when your spouse moves to care

Life is filled with changes. But with preparation and good advice, you may be able to manage the changes more effectively and minimise the stress. In this article, we highlight five aspects that couples may need to think about and tips to help you to adjust when a spouse moves into aged care.
Your Centrelink Age Pension
If your spouse (or both of you) move into care, you might qualify for a higher age pension. This increase can help cover higher expenses and care costs.
When a move into care is involved, illness-separated couple rules apply. Your pension continues to be assessed on combined financial means but is paid at the higher single rates of pension. A couple’s age pension could increase by up to $14,000 per year (combined).
Update your Centrelink (or Veterans’ Affairs) records as soon as possible after the move and let them know that you are now an illness-separated couple. If you previously missed out on receiving a pension, it’s a good time to talk with your adviser to review your circumstances to consider the benefits of re-applying.
Your emotions
You might experience feelings of guilt and/or grief. These are normal reactions, and it may take some time to deal with your emotions.
For many, a good place to start is the Carer Gateway, which is a national service funded by the Australian Government. The service is available to carers, regardless of their financial position (as it is not means tested), who look after a family member or friend who is frail due to age or a person living with disability, medical condition, or mental illness. The services provided include emergency respite, financial support, community peer groups, interactive courses, coaching and counselling services. For more information, please click here.
Your lifestyle changes
When a spouse moves into aged care, you will both experience changes in your daily routines.
In care, your spouse may need to adjust to a new routine including a different bed, changes in mealtimes and different cooking styles. The care staff will be able to help with tips for settling in. You may find that your house feels empty and lonely. Your daily routine might see care activities being replaced with visiting your spouse and changes to your own social life.
If your spouse was receiving a home care package before moving into residential care, that package (and any support services such as home cleaning that it was paying for) will stop. You might consider whether you now qualify for your own home care package or other home support to help maintain your independence.
If you would like to know more about the options available, talk with your adviser to find out more about how Care and Living with Mercer can help you achieve the support outcomes best for you.
Your home
If your home feels too big or lonely, or you find it difficult to visit your spouse, you might decide to move. This may be a move to a smaller home, or a differently located home. Or perhaps you might want to move to a retirement village.
Changing homes will create financial implications for your age pension and care fees. It might also release equity. Our Lifestyle and Care team can provide advice, do the numbers and make recommendations on appropriate strategies.
Sorting your legals
If your spouse was nominated as your enduring power of attorney/guardian or executor of your will, it is important to review them to ensure they continue to reflect your current situation and wishes.
We are here to help
If you have any questions or need guidance on any aspect of the aged care financing journey, please do not hesitate to get in touch. With a specialist division of financial advisers who are accredited in aged care advice, we have a team that can talk you through the various options and explain the various financial considerations. Our team can also connect you with a trusted organisation who can help guide you through the care choices that best align to your unique care situation. Learn more about our accredited aged care financial advisers.
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