Aged Care

Aged care fee reforms – don’t leave it too late

Aged care fee reforms – don’t leave it too late

Most people with assets will pay more for aged care if they enter the system after 1 July 2025. Back in October, we shared information about the aged care fee reforms aimed at enhancing the quality and sustainability of aged care in Australia. Now, with more details...

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Understanding asset assessments when moving to care

Understanding asset assessments when moving to care

A common question from families transitioning a loved one into aged care centres on asset declaration, particularly about the family home and jointly held assets. Families often feel uncertain about what must be declared for the aged care fee assessment. In general,...

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Aged care fee changes – what does this mean for you?

Aged care fee changes – what does this mean for you?

On 12 September 2024, the Government proposed legislation to aged care fee changes aimed at enhancing the quality and sustainability of aged care in Australia. These proposed reforms are also set to impact the fees associated with home care and residential care...

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Moving aged care homes

Moving aged care homes

Occasionally, people want to change aged care homes. Moving to a new aged care home can offer many benefits for residents, such as being closer to family or enhanced services. However, it is crucial for decision-makers to fully understand the financial implications of...

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Should I keep or sell the family home when entering aged care?

Should I keep or sell the family home when entering aged care?

Moving into residential aged care can trigger a range of emotions, particularly when decisions need to be made about the family home. The home is a major financial asset, and many people believe it should either be kept in the family, or its value preserved for future...

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Caring through retirement

Caring through retirement

As we move through the various phases of retirement, our lifestyle and care needs will change. At some point, we or our loved ones will need varying degrees of assistance, and it is important to understand the emotional, financial, and practical challenges of caring...

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Fees in aged care – how much and why?

Fees in aged care – how much and why?

When entering residential aged care, you are likely to come across a multitude of acronyms. This can be overwhelming, and to help make the change easier, having a clear understanding of what the fees in aged care are and how they apply, can certainly help. What are...

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Adjustments when your spouse moves to care

Adjustments when your spouse moves to care

Life is filled with changes. But with preparation and good advice, you may be able to manage the changes more effectively and minimise the stress. In this article, we highlight five aspects that couples may need to think about and tips to help you to adjust when a...

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Gifting considerations for your future

Gifting considerations for your future

Many retirees want to help younger family members by gifting part of their savings or assets. However, if things go wrong in the future, the joy may turn to grief. Gifting may benefit children and grandchildren, but it could also have significant impacts on a...

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Proactive care planning: achieving wellbeing and security

Proactive care planning: achieving wellbeing and security

Taking steps to prepare for older age earlier in life, as well as during the retirement years, has been shown to improve the chances of positive wellbeing across physical and mental health, financial security, and social relationships. This was a finding from a recent...

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What support is available for informal carers?

What support is available for informal carers?

Are you currently an informal carer for an elderly parent, relative, or friend at home? With the number of Australians aged over 85 and the number of centenarians set to triple and increase six-fold over the next 40 years, many Australians are becoming informal care...

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Understanding Daily Accommodation Payments

Understanding Daily Accommodation Payments

Accommodation Interest Rate is increasing. When it comes to paying for aged care accommodation, understanding the complexities can be overwhelming. There are multiple payment options that provide flexibility when arranging aged care accommodation, including lump sum...

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RADs: 5 facts you need to know

RADs: 5 facts you need to know

Navigating the complexities of residential aged care can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to understanding the finances involved. One crucial aspect of this process revolves around Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RADs), which play an important role in...

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Moving from retirement living to residential care

Moving from retirement living to residential care

We often hear from our clients that moving to a retirement village is a lifestyle decision. When looking to downsize, they tell us there are several benefits. This includes the ability to continue to live independently, socialise with like-minded people and provide...

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Six Aged Care Pitfalls to Avoid

Six Aged Care Pitfalls to Avoid

Navigating the aged care system can be challenging and overwhelming. There are several pitfalls that can trip you up along the way, from unexpected costs to unsuitable care. By being aware of these common pitfalls and taking steps to avoid them, you can ensure that...

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Is the RAD fully refundable?

Is the RAD fully refundable?

Understanding the refund rules for RADs may remove some of the stress and worry with a move into residential care. Room prices in aged care are usually quoted as a lump sum. Often this is a big number, which can cause financial worry. But this is also one of the most...

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Do I have to sell the house to pay for aged care?

Do I have to sell the house to pay for aged care?

Amongst the many decisions to make when someone you love needs to move into residential aged care lies the common question: Do we have to sell the house to pay for aged care fees? Families are often worried about the need to sell the home and ask about alternative...

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Jillian Clarke – ACS Aged Care Adviser of the Year Finalist

Jillian Clarke – ACS Aged Care Adviser of the Year Finalist

We are pleased to announce that Jillian Clarke has been named a Finalist in the Aged Care Steps inaugural awards in the category Aged Care Adviser of the Year. This category recognises an individual adviser who is deemed to have demonstrated outstanding professional...

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Winner – ACS Aged Care Advice Program of the Year

Winner – ACS Aged Care Advice Program of the Year

We are delighted to announce that Alteris has been named winner of the Aged Care Steps Aged Care Advice Program of the Year The Aged Care Adviser of the Year Awards formed part of the broader 2022 campaign launched by Aged Care Steps which aimed to raise awareness of...

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