Cindy Jeeves

Cindy Jeeves

Manager, Technology and Innovation

Cindy’s task list is extensive and varied. Some of her daily tasks include consulting with IT on improving the company’s cyber-security and its rollout, purchasing laptops for all staff, developing a computer policy, and assisting with the technology set-up for the Level 11 project in the Sydney office.

In addition, Cindy is working to improve current software systems, is implementing a new phone system in the Sydney office and training staff, educating staff on the increase of cyber-attacks and the importance of password security, and consulting with an outsource company regarding software and the best programs to be implemented. 

Her responsibilities also extend to the creation of staff onboarding and offboarding processes and automated workflows; the development of online forms; the creation of a software costing spreadsheet; and assisting with software issues, coding, and training.

Cindy also meets regularly with all department heads to ensure their needs are met regarding software and client data security, and is working on the possible creation of a staff intranet.