by Alteris Financial Group | May 8, 2022 | Aged Care industry
Aged Care Costs – The 3 most common questions answered Aged care affordability – your questions answered How will my loved one pay for accommodation and ongoing care costs when entering care? It’s one of the most common questions we are asked, and the answer...
by Alteris Financial Group | Feb 9, 2022 | Aged Care industry
The family home – 3 most common misconceptions Moving into aged care can be an emotional and difficult decision, and knowing what to do with the former family home can create additional complexity. There are differing rules when it comes to assessing the former home...
by RebeccaD | Jan 27, 2021 | Aged Care industry
How do gifts affect aged care fees and the age pension? Gifts can affect pension entitlements and aged care fees and are therefore one of the many crucial topics facility admissions officers should discuss with a potential resident. Centrelink and the Department of...
by Alteris Financial Group | Sep 29, 2020 | Aged Care industry
RAD/DAP or DAC/RAC – when, why and who pays In this article, we look at the important financial accommodation cost considerations when a person needs to to be admitted to permanent residential care. A resident’s classification, either a RAD payer or a low means...
by Alteris Financial Group | Sep 29, 2020 | Aged Care industry
Webinar follow up – Optimising ACFI to fund quality care and what the resident pays Question 1 Is the age pension considered as income? The age pension is considered income under the Aged Care Asset and Income assessment rules. It will be assessed if it and...
by Alteris Financial Group | Sep 8, 2020 | Aged Care industry
Insights into aged care in a post COVID-19 world COVID-19 has prompted a rethink of design opportunities for aged care facilities in the ways care needs to be delivered in the future under a sustainable revenue model. Lessons learned now can help protect both...