by Hayden Searles | May 16, 2024 | Aged Care
Caring through retirement As we move through the various phases of retirement, our lifestyle and care needs will change. At some point, we or our loved ones will need varying degrees of assistance, and it is important to understand the emotional, financial, and...
by Hayden Searles | Apr 8, 2024 | Aged Care
Fees in aged care – how much and why? When entering residential aged care, you are likely to come across a multitude of acronyms. This can be overwhelming, and to help make the change easier, having a clear understanding of what the fees in aged care are and how...
by Hayden Searles | Mar 15, 2024 | Aged Care
Adjustments when your spouse moves to care Life is filled with changes. But with preparation and good advice, you may be able to manage the changes more effectively and minimise the stress. In this article, we highlight five aspects that couples may need to think...
by Hayden Searles | Feb 14, 2024 | Aged Care
Gifting considerations for your future Many retirees want to help younger family members by gifting part of their savings or assets. However, if things go wrong in the future, the joy may turn to grief. Gifting may benefit children and grandchildren, but it could also...
by Hayden Searles | Nov 13, 2023 | Aged Care
Proactive care planning: achieving wellbeing and security Taking steps to prepare for older age earlier in life, as well as during the retirement years, has been shown to improve the chances of positive wellbeing across physical and mental health, financial security,...
by Hayden Searles | Oct 13, 2023 | Aged Care
What support is available for informal carers? Are you currently an informal carer for an elderly parent, relative, or friend at home? With the number of Australians aged over 85 and the number of centenarians set to triple and increase six-fold over the next 40...